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围岩 wéiyán
gen. country
bridg.constr. ambient rock; country rock
dril. shoulder bed
earth.sc. country rocks
eng.geol. adjacent strata; embracing rock; neighboring rock; partition rock
geol. counter rock
hydroel.st. surrounding rock; wall rock; adjoining rock; wallrock
met. deads
oil enclosing rock; adjacent rock
tech. dike rock; enclosing wall; external waste; host rock; mother rock; neighbouring rock; surrounding material
earth.sc. host rock
洞室围岩 wéiyán
eng.geol. surrounding rock; wall rock
含石英、黑电气石、角闪石的围岩 wéiyán
gen. caple
围岩因开挖地下硐室,其周围一定范围内对稳定和变形可能产生影响的岩体 wéiyán
expl. surrounding rock
围岩: 167 phrases in 10 subjects
Bridge construction3
Earth sciences7
Engineering geology6
Explosives and Explosive Ordnance Disposal12
Hydroelectric power stations14
Oil / petroleum15
Rail transport11