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劳资关系 láozī guānxì
busin. labour management relations; labour relations; labor-capital relation; management-union relation
commer. relations between labour and capital
econ. labour relation (or industrial relation)
environ. labour relations The dynamics or general state of the association between management and non-management employees in an enterprise, industry or nation, with special attention to the maintenance of agreements, collective bargaining and the status of unions (企业、行业或国家中的管理层和非管理员工间关系的动态的或整体的状态,特别注重于协议的维护、集体谈判和工会的地位。)
IMF. labor relations; industrial relations
interntl.trade. labor management relations
lab.law. employee-employer relation
manag. industrial relation
tech. employee-employer relations; labor-capital relations; labour-capital relations; labor-management relations; labour-management relations; labor relation; labour relation
textile employer-employee relations; labor and capital relation
econ. industrial relations
劳资关 系
: 19 phrases in 8 subjects
Human resources1
International trade3
Labor law2
Name of organization1