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geol. distribution of residence time; distribution of residence times
met. residence time distribution
| 曲线
 C 曲线
met. C curve
 S 曲线
math. sigmoid curve; sigmoid; S-curve
supercond. S-N curve
hydroel.st. curve

to phrases
停留时间分布 tíngliú shíjiān fēnbù
geol. distribution of residence time; distribution of residence times
met. residence time distribution (The Residence Time Distribution (RTD) curve shows that at the outlet, a tracer pulse arrives a certain time after the start of the experiment; the signal rises quickly to a peak and then diminishes exponentially to zero. 停留时间分布曲线表明,在试验开始后的某一时刻示踪剂脉冲到达出口处时,脉冲信号首先快速达到峰值,然后按指数曲线衰减至零。)
oil.proc. residence time distribution
: 10 phrases in 1 subject