
   Chinese English
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gen. even more; more; any more; better; even; more
archit. besides
econ. yet
tech. even /wore
| 明白
gen. understand
- only individual words found

to phrases
gen. even more; more; any more; the more; piu; way; sub-; suf-; sug-; sum-; sup-; sur-; sus-
archit. besides
econ. yet
tech. even /wore
wind. still
+a. 或 的比较级 gèng
gen. even
多,加 gèng
gen. still more
加在形容词或副词的比较级前 gèng
gen. the
加,多 gèng
gen. better
多,加,甚 gèng
gen. more
+比较级 gèng
gen. still
与比较级连用 gèng
gen. yet
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects
Lighting other than cinema1