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environ. environmental aspect of human settlements Human settlements have an adverse impact on many ecosystems and on themselves by the addition of toxic or harmful substances to the outer lithosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere. The major types of environmental pollutants are sewage, trace metals, petroleum hydrocarbons, synthetic organic compounds, and gaseous emissions. Most, if not all, of the additions of potentially harmful substances to the environment are result of the population growth and the technological advances of industrial societies (人类定居对生态系统以及自身造成不利影响,会向岩石圈、水圈和大气圈中释放有毒物质。环境污染物的主要类型为污水、重金属、石油碳氢化合物、合成有机化合物和气状污染物。大部分对环境有潜在危害的物质增加是由于人口增长以及工业社会结束进步所引起的。)