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中小型企业 zhōngxiǎoxíng qǐyè
anim.husb. Small and Medium-scale Enterprise
avia. small and medium businesses; small and medium enterprises
busin. medium and small-sized enterprise; medium or small-scale enterprises; small and medium-sized enterprise
commer. medium and small-sized enterprises
econ. small and medium sized enterprise
fin. medium and small business; small and mid-sized companies
IMF. small and medium-sized enterprises; SMEs; small and medium-size enterprises; small and medium-scale enterprises; small and medium-sized industries; SMIs
proj.manag. small and medium enterprise; medium and small scale enterprise
shipb. small- and medium-sized enterprises
space small/medium enterprise
tech. medium and small scale enterprises
textile medium & small size enterprises
中 小型企业
: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Computer networks1