
   Czech English
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astr. Reticulum
agric. net; circuit; system; network
astr. reticle
comp., MS mesh; network; site
construct. involute
| informací
econ. information
| o
industr. atomic mass unit
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to phrases
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agric. net; circuit; system; network
astr. reticle
comp., MS mesh (An object whose surface contains faces, each of which is described by a simple polygon); network (A group of computers or other devices, such as printers and scanners, that communicate either wirelessly or by using a physical connection, such as an Ethernet cable or a phone line); site (One or more well-connected (highly reliable and fast) TCP/IP subnets. A site allows administrators to configure Active Directory access and replication topology to take advantage of the physical network)
construct. involute (tělesa); mesh
forestr. pattern (říční)
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astr. Reticulum
síť informací
: 1 phrase in 1 subject