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agric. wisp; sign of preserve; perch; pole; guide-post; sign-post; land mark; boundary mark
comp., MS beacon (A signal that tells your Xbox Live and Facebook friends that you want to play a particular game, and notifies you when friends are playing or want to play that game)
construct. reference point
environ. marker 1. Small amount of an easily detected substance that can be used to follow and quantify the flow of materials or movement of organisms not otherwise visible or detectable by ordinary means. 2. An isotope of an element, a small amount of which may be incorporated into a sample of material in order to follow the course of that element through a chemical, biological, or physical process, and thus also follow the larger sample. The tracer may be radioactive, in which case observations are made by measuring the radioactivity
transp., nautic. buoy
: 2 phrases in 1 subject