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to phrases
جوڑ n
gen. conjunction; contiguity; copula; counterpart; hexa; hinge; joinder; joint; junction; member; piece; prosthesis; respondence; respondences; respondency; summation; union; total; account; addition; confluence; connection; connectedness; contender; inosculation; juncture; kinship; knuckle; knuckle joint; link; linkage; marrow; match; seam; soldering; sum; suture; vamp
comp., MS pair (To establish a Bluetooth link or connection between two Bluetooth–enabled devices); ligature (In typography, a single character created from two joined letters that replaces the two separate letters); join (A connection between multiple tables where records from related fields that match are combined and shown as one record. Records that don't match may be included or excluded, depending on the type of join)
: 86 phrases in 2 subjects