
   Serbian Latin
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adjective | adverb | to phrases
značajan adj.
gen. big; characteristic; discriminative; discriminatory; distinguishable; emphatic; epoch-making; eventful; gallant; grand; grave; historic; important; marked; meaning; meaningful; memorable; momentous; notable; observable; ominous; pre-eminent; prominent; purposeful; remarkable; representative; significant; typical
cust. conspicuous
fig. parturient; weighty
inf. mighty
law consequential; considerable; crucial; distinctive; emphatic (Gk. emphatikos); extraordinary (lat. extraordinarius); grand (lat. grandis); hefty; of mark; material (lat. materia; materials); with meaning; of name; outstanding; prominent (lat. prominens); relevant (lat. relevans); special; substantial; substantive; suggestive; telling; unique (lat. unicus)
law, lat. magnum; major
slang some
tech. noticeable; relevant
značajna adj.
gen. person of note (ili slavna osoba)
najznačajniji adj.
cust. main
značajniji adj.
gen. major
znaćajan adj.
gen. significative
značajnije adj.
law more to the point
značajno adv.
gen. big
: 111 phrases in 5 subjects
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