
   Serbian Latin
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značajnije adj.
law more to the point
značajan adj.
gen. big; characteristic; discriminative; discriminatory; distinguishable; emphatic; epoch-making; eventful; gallant; grand; grave; historic; important; marked; meaning; meaningful; memorable; momentous; notable; observable; ominous; pre-eminent; prominent; purposeful; remarkable; representative; significant; typical
cust. conspicuous
fig. parturient; weighty
inf. mighty
law consequential; considerable; crucial; distinctive; emphatic (Gk. emphatikos); extraordinary (lat. extraordinarius); grand (lat. grandis); hefty; of mark; material (lat. materia; materials); with meaning; of name; outstanding; prominent (lat. prominens); relevant (lat. relevans); special; substantial; substantive; suggestive; telling; unique (lat. unicus)
law, lat. magnum; major
slang some
tech. noticeable; relevant
značajna adj.
gen. person of note (ili slavna osoba)
najznačajniji adj.
cust. main
značajniji adj.
gen. major
znaćajan adj.
gen. significative
: 95 phrases in 4 subjects
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