
   Serbian Latin
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zbunjen v
gen. aghast; blank; confused; constrained; distracted; like a duck in thunderstorm; haggard; lost; pell-mell; perplexed; quizzical
avunc. mixed
fig. in a fog; off the rails; all at sea
law at a loss (lat. in ambiguo); bedevilled; bewildered; dazed; embarrassed; mentally confused; mixed-up
slang stack up; jiggered (čuje se u izrazu 'I'll be jiggered!' Neka sam proklet!); puddled; scrambled
zbuniti v
gen. abash; astonish; astound; baffle; beat; bedevil; befog; bemuse; bewilder; put out of countenance; daze; dazzle; derange; discomfit; discompose; disconcert; disorient; disorientate; distract; embarrass; exercise; face down; fix; flabbergast; fluster; flutter; fuddle; maze; muddle; outface; perplex; perturb; pose; pother; puzzle; rattle; stumble; take aback; trouble; upset; wander
avunc. finish
bible.term. confound
fig. confuse; fog; stump (nekoga); unhinge; unsettle
inf. strike all of a heap
law throw out; confuse (lat. confusus); distract (lat. distractus); mix; mix up (smb., koga)
law, lat. nonplus
slang ball up; bamboozle; flummox; confuzzle; simfuzzle; flabberghast
slang, obs. bam
tech. jumble
zbunjeno v
law in confusion
: 15 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated1