
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. cast; sum; summation; sum total
inf. tot
law count; spy
math. addition
inf. secret agent
| dela
law act
| i
comp., MS AND
| postupaka
gen. act
| koji
gen. that
utiču | na
gen. a
čovekovu | sudbinu
gen. allotment
- only individual words found

to phrases
zbir n
gen. cast; sum; summation; sum total
inf. tot
law count (lat. computare); spy (lat. specere; Gk. skopein; санскр. spaśati)
math. addition
tech. composite; sigma
žbir n
inf. secret agent
slang agent (lat. agens); spook; tail
zbir dela i postupaka koji
: 1 phrase in 1 subject