
   Serbian Latin English
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comp., MS replacer
inf. sub
lat. quid pro quo
law fill-in; mix-up; stand-by; stand-in
law lat. successio
| teže
gen. aim
| kazne za
 kazniti za
law sentence for
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
zamena n
gen. alternate; change; commutation; confusion; displacement; exchange; permutation; proxy; replacement; shift; substitute; substitution; surrogate
avunc. swap
comp., MS replacer (A function used for replacing the value of text, digtal etc); substitute (An item that can take the place of another item)
germ. ersatz
law subrogation; alternative; barter; compensation (lat. compensatio); double (lat. duplus; Gk. diploos); interchange; supply; switch; switching; trade
relig. conversion (lat. conversio)
slang swop
zameni n
comp., MS flash (To alternate between calls when there is an active call and a call on hold)
zamena v
inf. sub
lat. quid pro quo (osoba)
law fill-in; mix-up; stand-by; stand-in
law, lat. successio
tech. makeshift; renew; renewal
zamena teže kazne za
: 1 phrase in 1 subject