
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. bearing; bind; binder; brace
comp., MS connection; link
fig. bond; bondage; cement
obs. band
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gen. a
| luci
gen. exude
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gen. bearing; bind; binder; brace; combination; communion; concourse; conjunction; connection; connexion; context; correspondence; dependency; enchainment; knot; ligature; link; relation; relationship; tie; touch; way
anat. chord
comp. interface; connective
comp., MS connection (A link via wire, radio, fiber-optic cable, or other medium between two or more communications devices); link (A connection between an OLE object and its OLE server, or between a dynamic data exchange (DDE) source document and a destination document)
el. contact
fig. bond; bondage; cement; cohesion; cord; intermediate; nexus; thread; vinculum; wire
fr. rapport
fr., mil. liaison
law attachment; bolt; commitment; communication link; connection (lat. connexio); connexion (lat. connexio); contact man; context (lat. contextus); correspondence (lat. correspodentia); intermediate (lat. intermedius; intermediatus); join (lat. jungere); linkage; parallel (lat. parallelus; Gk. parallēlos); communication path; reference; relation (lat. relatio); touch (lat. toccare); union
mech.eng. scantling (četvrtasta)
mil. communication
obs. band; ligament
psychol. association
railw. fish joint; fishplate
tech. belt; cocking (spoj); connect; contacting; correlation; joining; joint; linking; trade
vez n
gen. embroidery; joint; needlework; open-work; stitch
timb. rabbet; rebate
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: 50 phrases in 12 subjects
Information technology1
Mechanic engineering1
Optics branch of physics1
Road traffic1
Road works2