
   Serbian Latin
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to phrases
varati v
gen. blackleg; bluff; cheat; cog; deceive; fail; fob; foil; fool; fool out of; fudge; gammon; humbug; jilt; jockey; juggle; nobble; palter; pigeon; play booty; play the knave; practise; practice; ramp; rook (u igri); shark; swindle
amer., slang razz
BrE thimblerig
fig. take smb. for a ride (koga)
inf. chouse; have smb. on (nekoga); jew; con; quack; take for a ride
law practise deceit; defraud (lat. defraudare); delude; do; double-cross (smb., koga); dupe; exploit; fiddle; hoax; hoodwink; kid; mislead; play smb. a trick (koga); rig; take advantage of; trick; victimise
mus. sharp
slang chisel; cod; fake; gag; wangle; diddle; play for a sucker; screw; two-time (He's been two-timing on his girlfriend for the last 6 months — Vara devojku već 6 meseci)
: 29 phrases in 4 subjects
Obsolete / dated2