
   Serbian Latin English
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to phrases
uvrediti v
gen. afflict; affront; dishonour; disoblige; disparage; fly in the face of; injure; insult; mortify; call smb. names; give offence to; offend; outrage; pique; sting; touch on the raw; wound
fig. rub smb. the wrong way
law abuse; cause offence; cause offence to (smb., koga); defame; discredit; do smb. a dishonour (koga); give smb. a fit (koga); fly in the face of (smb., koga); give offence; harm (smb., koga); humiliate (lat. humiliare); hurt; hurt someone's feelings (koga); hurt the feelings of (smb., koga); give offence to (smb., koga); offend (lat. offendere); get personal; shock; slur
slang bad mouth; sneep; sneap
uvređen v
gen. pained
law embittered; injured; wounded
uvreden v
gen. in high dudgeon
slang sneeped
: 12 phrases in 3 subjects