
   Serbian Latin
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to phrases
uništeno v
slang banjaxed
uništiti v
gen. abolish; annihilate; annul; break; burn out; burst; consume; crack; cut off; defeat; demolish; destroy; devour; disable; dish; dispose of; eat; efface; end; exterminate; extinguish; extirpate; flaw; wipe the floor with (smb.); foil; foray; fordo; foredo; make havoc of; play havoc among (with); knock down; make away with; overthrow; knock off his perch (nekoga); perish; prostrate; pull down; rape; make ravage of; ravage; raze; reduce to nothing; root out; root up; rub out; ruin; make shipwreck of; sink; smash; smite; take off; throw down; throw smb. off his legs; trip up; undo; wear away; wreck
amer. spiflicate; spifflicate
amer., slang chaw up
avunc. do for
fig. abrade; blast; blight; break down; bruise; confound; crush; dash; kill; obliterate (lat. obliteratus); overwhelm; pulverize; rase; shatter; shipwreck; torpedo; tread out; trip; undermine; wither
law account for (smb., koga); do away with; make a bonfire of; break (smb., koga); decimate (lat. decimare; decimus); devastate (lat. devastare); dispose; dissolve (lat. dissolvere); erase; extinguish (lat. extinguere); bring to grief; havoc; play havoc with; liquidate (lat. liquidare; liquidates); mangle; mar; bring to nought; tamper
med. evert
mil. rout
slang cooper; banjax; bugger; cattle truck (sleng se rimuje sa 'fuck'); duck (You've fucked the engine by keeping the revs too high for too long — Sj...ao si motor tako što si predugo držao upaljena rotaciona svetla); fuck (You've fucked the engine by keeping the revs too high for too long — Sj...ao si motor tako što si predugo držao upaljena rotaciona svetla); knacker (Keep hitting it with that hammer and you'll knacker it — Nastavi to da udaraš tim čekićem i uništićeš ga); nause something up (The game was going well until Roger naused it up and gave them a penalty - we lost 2-1 — Igra je super išla sve dok Rodžer nije zeznuo stvar i dao im kaznu - izgubili smo 2-1); screw up; total (uglavnom se odnosi na vozilo: That's the third car I've totalled this year, and I wasn't speeding this time — To su treća kola koja sam uništio ove godine, a nisam jurio ovog puta)
uništen v
gen. broken; brokendown; flat; gone
BrE, slang gone for a Burton
law destroyed; dissolved; extinct; fallen; shattered; wrecked
slang ballsed-up; bollocksed; buggered; fubarred; fubared; fucked up; fooked up; munted
: 58 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Information technology1