
   Serbian Latin English
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to phrases
ukradeno v
gen. pickings
slang bent (I'm not touching that video, it's bent — Necu da diram taj video rekorder, ukraden je)
ukrasti v
gen. abstract; bag; filch; lift; make away with; nick; pilfer; plunder; purloin; rifle; rip off; run away; shark; snatch; thieve
BrE, coll. whip
coll. nip
fig. have one's hand in a till
inf. sneak; steal
law appropriate; make off with (smth.); misappropriate; take
slang bone; pinch; sneak (nešto); swipe; cop; fall off the back of a lorry; chore (uzeto od romske reči 'cor', ukrasti: You can't go choring senior citizen's pension books, it's unethical, even for a thief — Ne možeš ići da kradeš penzije od staraca, to je nemoralno čak i za lopova); feck; half-inch; knock-off; nab (Charlie's been nabbed with his hand in the till again — Čarli je uhvaćen sa rukom u kasi ponovo); pinch (Guess who's just lost his job for pinching from work again? — Pogodi ko je upravo izgubio posao zbog krađe na poslu?); skank; snaffle
ukraden v
fig. hot
law lifted; stolen; taken
: 115 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1