
   Serbian Latin English
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to phrases
uhapsiti v
gen. apprehend; take into custody; lay by the heels; imprison; lag; nick; take; take in charge; take up
coll. nip
inf. make a bust; pick up; pinch (smb., koga)
law arrest (smb., koga); attach; place in arrest; put smb. behind bars (koga); book; book a person (koga); bust (smb., koga); captivate; capture; carry out an apprehension; catch; constrain; detain; effect the arrest; execute an arrest; haul in; imprison (smb., koga); make an arrest; nick (smb., koga); arrest a person (koga); put smb. in prison (koga); put smb. under arrest; put under arrest; seize; take prisoner; take smb. in charge (koga)
slang nab; pinch; pull; feel someone's collar (koga); cop; nick (Right Mr Hall, please step out of the car, you're nicked for speeding — Gospodine Hal, molim vas izadite iz kola, uhapšeni ste zbog brze vožnje); pinch (He got pinched when he was climbing out of the kitchen window with the stolen TV — Uhapšen je kada se spuštao niz kuhinjski prozor sa ukradenim televizorom); pull (Yeah, I was pulled climbing out of the rear window of the bank and carrying £40, 000 in cash — Da, uhvaćen sam dok sam se penjao uz prozor banke i nosio 40000 funti u kešu)
uhapšen v
inf. booked
law apprehended; arrested; captured; detained; imprisoned; picked by the police; taken; taken into custody; taken to prison; under arrest
: 47 phrases in 2 subjects
American usage, not spelling1