
   Serbian Latin English
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traćiti vreme
gen. consume; dally with; dawdle; drivel away; fiddle; fool; loiter away; mess about; mooch; mouch; potter; potter away; waste
slang dick around (Tim's been dicking around in the back yard with that bloody football again — Tim opet traći vreme igrajući taj prokleti fudbal u dvorištu); dick about (Tim's been dicking around in the back yard with that bloody football again — Tim opet traći vreme igrajući taj prokleti fudbal u dvorištu); fart about; fart around; fart arse about (Stop fart arsing about and get on with your work — Prestani da se zezaš i nastavi da radiš); fuck about; fuck around; muck about (Are you mucking about up there, or tidying your bedroom? — Jel' se zezaš tamo gore ili spremaš sobu?); muck around (Are you mucking about up there, or tidying your bedroom? — Jel' se zezaš tamo gore ili spremaš sobu?); piddle about; piss around; piss about; piss-arse around (i obično pri tom smetati nekome); piss-arse about (i obično pri tom smetati nekome); piss-ball around; ponce about; ponce around; prat about; prat around; screw around; sod about (My son needs to find himself a job, he's been sodding about playing computer games for the last 6 months and sleeping 15 hours a day — Moj sin treba da nade sebi posao, traći svoje vreme igrajući igrice na kompjuteru poslednjih 6 meseci i spavajući 15 sati dnevno); sod around (My son needs to find himself a job, he's been sodding about playing computer games for the last 6 months and sleeping 15 hours a day — Moj sin treba da nade sebi posao, traći svoje vreme igrajući igrice na kompjuteru poslednjih 6 meseci i spavajući 15 sati dnevno); tit about; tit around
traćiti vreme
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects