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rude crap; shit; shite
slang crap (eufemizam koji nosi značenje očistiti ili prečistiti: He crapped behind a tree and wiped his arse (anus) with a huge leaf — Israo se iza drveta i obrisao dupe velikim listom); dump; pinch a loaf; poo; shit (I do my best thinking when I'm on my own, actually usually when I'm shitting — Najbolje razmišljam kada sam sasvim sama, ustvari kada serem); shite (I do my best thinking when I'm on my own, actually usually when I'm shitting — Najbolje razmišljam kada sam sasvim sama, ustvari kada serem); squat; Thora (Hird: I wouldn't go in the toilet if I was you, I've just had a Thora — Da sam na tvom mestu ne bih išao sada u toalet, upravo sam srao" (sleng se rimuje sa turd, Tora Hird, britanska glumica, umrla 2003))
slang, euph. number twos