
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. arrest; control; inhibition; interception; prevention; rebuff
| da
gen. adhibit
| protivnik
gen. adversary
| dokaže
gen. argument
| tvrdnju
gen. affirmation
| koja
gen. that
| je
excl. ah
| u
gen. a
| protivnosti
gen. contrast
| sa
gen. and
| pređašnjim iskazom
 pređašnji iskaz
law previous statement
- only individual words found

to phrases
sprečavanje n
gen. arrest; control; inhibition; interception; prevention; rebuff; repression; restraint; stay
law arresting; barring; checking; combating; debarment; deterrence; forestalling; frustration (lat. frustratio); halt; hampering; hindrance; impeding; obstructing; obstruction; preventing; prohibition; restraining
tech. arrestment; blocking; suppress
sprećavanje n
law stopping
sprečavanje da protivnik
: 1 phrase in 1 subject