
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. aggregate; aggregation; assemblage; assembly; bevy; collective
| pravnih propisa
 pravni propis
law rule
| koji
gen. that
regulišu | funkcionisanje
gen. operation
| ljudske zajednice
 ljudska zajednica
law brotherhood of men
- only individual words found

to phrases
skup n
gen. aggregate; aggregation; assemblage; assembly; bevy; collective; complex; concourse; congress; convocation; costly; expensive; gathering; group; hard; high; high-priced; reunion; tally; team; turn-out; valuable
amer., coll. pow-wow
comp., MS scope (The set of data that is being synchronized); aggregate (A single value that is composed of multiple values); set (A grouping of dimension members or items from a data source that are named and treated as a single unit and can be referenced or reused multiple times)
inf. passel
law body; conference; confluence; convention; dear; high-cost; meeting; overpriced; set; exorbitant
law, lat. forum
mil. rally
mus. ensemble
obs. plump
relig. congregation
slang pure bead (ulični termin koji se uglavnom koristi u Mančesteru)
tech. agglomerate; composite; family; pack; package; stack
skûp n
law costly; high-priced
skupa n
gen. together
law in conjunction with
skup pravnih propisa koji
: 2 phrases in 1 subject