
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. serf; slave
amer. boy; peon
greek.lang. hist. helot
obs. bondman; bondservant; bondslave; bondsman
| koja
gen. that
| se
gen. and
| ne
gen. nay
može | prodati
law abalienate
- only individual words found

to phrases
roba n
gen. article; ware (u složenicama)
cust. commodity; goods; stock
law articles; commodities; items; merchandise; supplies
span. cargo
tech. ware
rob n
gen. serf; slave; thrall
amer. boy; peon
fig. vassal
greek.lang., hist. helot
obs. bondman; bondservant; bondslave; bondsman
robovi n
law slaves
trgovačka roba n
gen. merchandise
roba koja se ne
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects