
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. pledge; term; word
law command; diction; expression; name
poetic accents
gen. in terms of
| koje
gen. any
| se
gen. and
šapuću | glumcu
gen. actor
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
reč n
gen. pledge; term; word
comp. statement
law command; diction; expression; name; news; one's word; password; pledged word; say; speech; talk; utterance; voice
poetic accents
reći n
gen. make a remark; talk; tell
law mention; pronounce (lat. pronuntiare); put into words; say; utter; voice
lit. bid
reka n
gen. river; run; water; watercourse; waterway
law stream
obs. flume
poetic flood
reči n
law words
tech. speech
rečju n
law by word; in a word
rečima n
gen. in terms of
reke n
law internal waters
sleng se rimuje sa 'word-' reč n
slang dicky-bird (uglavnom se ćuje u negativnom izražavanju: We've not heard a dicky-bird from Andy since he moved — Nismo čuli ni reč od Endija od kada se odselio)
reći v
law remark; speak
reči v
comp. language
reči koje se
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects