
   Serbian Latin English
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to phrases
propast n
gen. cataclysm; catastrophe; decadence; dilapidation; disaster; discomfiture; downcome; extinction; fate; fizzle; going down; overthrow; perdition; pit; precipice; rack; ruin; ruination; waste; wrack; wreck; wreckage
fig. bankruptcy; breakup; collapse; debacle; destruction; downfall; fall; shipwreck
ital. fiasco
law break-up; breakdown; comedown; departure; doom; failure; flop
poetic bane
slang wash-out
propasti n
gen. burst up; die away; go to the dogs; fall down; fall through; get under; come to nothing; come to nought; go phut
amer. go up
fig. cave in; go under
inf. go broke
law go bad; go bust; come to grief; go to the Devil; fall into disrepair; fail in business; fall in; fall to the ground; go bankrupt; go down; go downhill; go waste; go to rack; go to waste; go to wreck
slang go to pot; come a 'cropper; go belly up; go tits-up (Nick's devious plan went tits up when his colleagues discovered the facts — Nikov nepošteni plan je propao kada su njegove kolege otkrile činjenice); tits-up (Nick's devious plan went tits up when his colleagues discovered the facts — Nikov nepošteni plan je propao kada su njegove kolege otkrile činjenice)
: 49 phrases in 4 subjects