
   Serbian Latin English
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comp., MS Call
gen. appeal; bidding; call; challenge; charge; engaged
comp., MS call
law citation
| na
gen. a
| sudski
gen. forensic
- only individual words found

to phrases
poziv m
gen. appeal; bidding; call; challenge; charge; engaged; function; functionate; invitation; monition; summons
amer., slang invite
comp., MS call (An app for making video calls)
fr. defiance
inf. job
law citation; praecipe; business; call for; engagement; notice; plea; profession; request; subpoena; vocation
mil. levy; occupation
polit. mission
relig. calling; convocation; order
tech. cue
tel. ring; signalling
Poziv m
comp., MS Call (An app for making video calls)
telefonski poziv m
slang buzz (I'll give you a buzz with the details in the morning — Nazvaću te ujutru da ti javim detalje)
poziv na sudski
: 15 phrases in 1 subject