
   Serbian Latin
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adjective | verb | to phrases
povređen adj.
gen. pained
law aggrieved; damaged; harmed; hurt; impaired; infringed; injured; violated; wounded; wronged
povrediti v
gen. affect; afflict; break; harm; hurt; injure; tread on one's kibe; mortify; offend; sting (nekoga); strain; transgress; violate; wound
fig. cut; grate; hit; rasp; stab (nekoga); touch; break someone's heart (koga)
fr. chagrin
law aggrieve; breach; break into; contravene; disobey; disregard; disrupt; disturb; do smb. an injury (koga); fall foul of (smb., koga); do harm; harm (smb., koga); hurt (smb., koga); inflict an injury; inflict harm; inflict injuries; inflict injury; infringe; cause injuries; do injury to (smb., koga); lacerate; offend (smb., koga); stab (koga); sting; tear; trespass; wrong
slang cabbage (Last year I cabbaged my knee playing football, and it's still not fully recovered — Prošle godine sam povredio koleno na fudbalu i još uvek se nije oporavilo); slot; wreck (My arm's wrecking - I think I fell badly last night when we were drunk and dancing — Ruke mi otpadaju mislim da sam nezgodno pala prošle noći kad smo plesali pijani)
povreden v
law broken
slang gammy; sneeped
povređeni adj.
traf. casualty
: 92 phrases in 5 subjects
Road traffic3