
   Serbian Latin
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adjective | verb | to phrases
pokvaren adj.
gen. abandoned; abject; bad; base; brokendown; corrupt; degenerate; depraved; evil; faulty; flagitious; foul; frowsty; frowzy; out of gear; graceless; immoral; iniquitous; lewd; nefarious; out of order; perverse; rank; sour; unsound; vicious; vile; villainous; wicked
fig. impure; putrid; rotten
law adulterated; bent; bribable; bribeable; broken down; contaminated; corrupted; crooked; damaged; debased; defective; dishonest; dishonourable; dysfunctional; fraudulent; perverted; shady; spoilt; tainted; unscrupulous; untrustworthy
relig. reprobate
slang cattled; clapped out (uglavnom se odnosi na mašineriju: That car's just a clapped out heap of junk that needs scrapping — Ta kola su samo istrošena hrpa dubreta kojima treba struganje); hangin' (uglavnom se izgovara 'angin'); knacked (Can we come around to watch TV at yours tonight, our is knackered — Možemo li doći da gledamo TV kod tebe večeras, naš je pokvaren); knackered (Can we come around to watch TV at yours tonight, our is knackered — Možemo li doći da gledamo TV kod tebe večeras, naš je pokvaren); nackered (Can we come around to watch TV at yours tonight, our is knackered — Možemo li doći da gledamo TV kod tebe večeras, naš je pokvaren); snide (ponekad može da znati i nezakonit: There's a good stall on the market that's well worth checking out, It sells snide D&G handbags — Ima dobrih lažnjaka na pijaci koje je vredno pogledati, prodaju D&G torbe)
tech. failed
pokvariti v
gen. addle; blight; break up; cloy; corrupt; crab; cut into; dash; demoralize; deteriorate; dish; empoison; falsify; foil; frustrate; hamper; mar; mess about; mismanage; monkey; muddle; muff; ruin; sink; spoil; strip; subvert; sully; taint (se); tamper; thwart; turn; upset
fig. flaw; make a hash of; poison; trip
fr. debauch
inf. make a muck of (smth.); muck up
law alter for the worse; break; bribe; bust; contaminate; damage; demoralise; deprave; disorganise; impair; mess up; make a muck of (smth., što); make a mull of (smth., što); pollute; screw; taint; undo; vitiate
med. pervert
slang cooper; foozle; muck; mull; queer; rot; screw up; cattle truck
tech. adulterate; bastardize
o stvari pokvariti v
gen. trick
obično mess up pokvariti v
gen. mess
pokvarena adj.
slang bad egg
: 91 phrases in 7 subjects
Scottish usage1