
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. potables
gen. beverage; brew; brewage; drink; ptisan; refreshments
avunc. refresher
inf. booze; drain
| koje
gen. any
| sadrži
gen. comprise
više | od
gen. among
| pedeset
gen. fiftieth
| odsto
tech. percentile
| alkohola
comp., MS Alcohol
- only individual words found

noun | noun | verb | to phrases
piće n
gen. beverage; brew; brewage; drink; ptisan; refreshments (naročito kao lak obrok); stuff; tap; tipple (naročito žestoko); tisane
avunc. refresher
fr. buffet
inf. booze; drain
law drinking
slang lush; wet; belt (od 'udariti': Have a belt of that brandy, it'll warm you up — Drmni čašicu tog brendija, zagrejaće te); drinky-poo (mladalački izraz); peeve (uglavnom alkoholno); shant (uglavnom alkoholno)
pića n
gen. potables
slang scoops
"pičica" n
slang scaredy-cat
pičiti v
slang cane (it: I caned it down the motorway and got there in record time — Pičio sam stazom i stigao tamo začas)
piće koje sadrži
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects