
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. authority; authorization; commission; mandate; order; power
amer. law faculty
comp., MS mandate
| po
gen. according to
| kom
gen. comma
| banka
comp., MS bank
može | da
gen. adhibit
raspolaže | sa
gen. and
| imovinom
comp., MS asset
| datom u zalogu
 dat u zalogu
law mortgaged
| za
polit. well content
| odobreni zajam
 odobriti zajam
law approve a loan
- only individual words found

to phrases
ovlašćenje n
gen. authority; authorization; commission; mandate; order; power; power of attorney; proxy; warrant
amer., law faculty
comp., MS mandate (A source document that documents an agreement between a payee and a payer based on an understanding that the payee is authorized to collect fixed or variable direct debit payment amounts from the payer's bank account)
law full powers; settlement; authorisation; capacity; competence; competency; credential; delegation; empowerment; endorsement; entitlement; franchise; grant; indorsement; jurisdiction; letter of attorney; letters patent; leverage; licence; permission; prerogative; right; sanction; say; say-so; warranty
law, lat. mandatum; potestas
ovlašćenja n
law entitlements; faculties; powers
ovlašćenje po kom banka
: 1 phrase in 1 subject