
   Serbian Latin English
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comp., MS People
gen. figure; head; individual; man; person; persona
ironic. piece of goods
rude coll. party
| koja
gen. that
| boluje
gen. ail
| od
gen. among
lose | probave
gen. digest
- only individual words found

to phrases
osoba n
gen. figure; head; individual; man; person; persona; personality; roly-poly; thing
fig. poll
ironic. piece of goods
law character; creature; human (lat. humanus); human being; living soul; mortal; soul
photo. subject
rude, coll. party
slang bod; bugger (takođe se koristi i u žalosnom/jadnom smislu); chuffer; fecker; fucker
osobe n
comp., MS people (The link to the list of contacts from your mail and messenger accounts)
Osobe n
comp., MS People (The link to the list of contacts from your mail and messenger accounts)
osoba koja boluje od
: 1 phrase in 1 subject