
   Serbian Latin English
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to phrases
okriviti v
gen. accuse; incriminate; lay against; reproach smb. with (smth., nekoga); tax; tax with
law impeach; accuse (smb., koga); arraign; article; blame (smb., koga); blame for; bring a charge; bring up; cast blame upon (smb., koga); cast the blame on; charge; charge with; cite; criminate; fasten a crime on (smb., koga); fix the blame on (smb., koga); impute; impute blame; inculpate (smb., koga); indict; lay a blame on; lay the blame; make a charge; place blame; point a finger at (smb., koga); press charges; put smb. in the wrong (koga); summon
okrivljen v
law charged; impeached; incriminated; indicted
okrivljeni v
law convicted
: 76 phrases in 2 subjects