
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. circulating medium; finances; fritter away; shiners
avunc. ducats
busin. bank money
fig. bread
law bank notes; capital
pejor. trashes
| bez
gen. beige
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noun | adjective | to phrases
novac n
gen. cash; chip; dibs; money; penny; purse; treasure
amer. scads; stamp
amer., slang spondulix
coll. roll
comp., MS money (An 8-byte, fixed-point data type that is useful for calculations involving money or for fixed-point calculations in which accuracy is extremely important. The Currency data type is used to store numbers with up to 15 digits to the left of the decimal point and 4 digits to the right. The type-declaration character in Microsoft© Visual Basic© is an at sign (
fig. coin; pocket
pejor. pelf
slang blunt; chink; dib; oof; ackers (nastalo od egipatske reč 'akka.'); brass; bunce; dosh; folding (uglavnom novčanice u visokim apoenima); lolly; lookah; luka; moolah; poppy; readies (uglavnom keš novac); sovs; spondulicks (takođe se piše i 'spondulics i spondulix spoof' seme, sperma); wedge (obično se odnosi na veću količinu)
novca n
gen. money-making
novac adj.
gen. circulating medium; finances; fritter away; shiners
avunc. ducats
busin. bank money
fig. bread
law bank notes; capital; currency; fee; finance; hard cash; legal tender; medium of circulation; ready money; wealth
law, lat. moneta
pejor. trashes
slang spuds; dough; beer tokens; bees and honey
novac bez
: 14 phrases in 4 subjects