
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. appointment; function; functionate; instead of; level; locality
comp., MS place
fig. billet
slang dump
| gde se
 gde si!
slang excl. eh up!
može | izneti svoje mišljenje
 izneti svoje mišljenje
gen. speak mind
- only individual words found

to phrases
mesto m, f
gen. appointment; function; functionate; instead of; level; locality; location; locus; part; passage; place (koje se upotrebljava za posebnu svrhu: place of worship hram); placement; plot; position; post; rank; room; scope; site; station; stead; gaff (It was all over the gaff but at least I had a week to clean it up — Bilo ga je posvuda u stanu ali sam bar imao nedelju dana da to očistim)
anat. region
BrE, univer. tutorship (ili titula tutora)
comp. column
comp., MS place (A window that is part of the navigation layer in the Dynamics NAV application)
cust. spot
fig. billet
inf. job
law employment; office; place; scene; seat; situation; space; town
law, lat. locatio; situs
slang dump; endz
mestu m, f
gen. eponym
mesto gde se
: 16 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Rail transport1