
   Serbian Latin English
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comp., MS Smaller
gen. dell
slang chick
gen. beady; fiddle faddle; fiddling
avunc. junior
slang dog-hole
gen. any; few
| slika
comp., MS picture
| koja
gen. that
može | da se
 dati se
gen. follow
| pomera
comp., MS pan
| po
gen. according to
| ekranu
comp., MS screen
| nezavisno od
 nezavisno od
law aside from
| drugih
gen. another
| slika
comp., MS picture
| u pozadini
 u pozadini
law at the back
- only individual words found

verb | adjective | to phrases
mati v
law mother
ma v
law if
mali adj.
gen. beady; fiddle faddle; fiddling; little; mean; petty; pigmy; pint-size; pint-sized; princeling (ili nevažan knez); puny; pygmaean; pygmy; rag; scanty; small sized; slight; small; small-time; tiny; trifling; trivial
avunc. junior; sonny
law short; small-size
law, lat. minor
logic tiddy
nautic. apprentice
photo. miniature
slang dog-hole; diddy; piddling (I'm starving, You should have seen the piddling amount we had for dinner — Umirem od gladi, trebao si da vidiš mali obrok koji smo imali za večeru); piddly; piffling (I'm starving, You should have seen the piddling amount we had for dinner — Umirem od gladi, trebao si da vidiš mali obrok koji smo imali za večeru); tiddly
tech. mini- (prefiks); undersize; undersized
malo adj.
gen. any; few (za pl); little; small; a taste; a thought
BrE spot
cust. few
law slightly
manji adj.
gen. less; lesser; minor
law lower; shorter
najmanji adj.
gen. least; minimal
law lowest; shortest
mala adj.
gen. dell
najmanje adj.
gen. least
lat. minimum
law at the least
mala adj.
pejor. miss
slang chick
manje adj.
gen. less
to. malo adj.
cust. de minimis
manje adj.
lat. minus
Manja adj.
comp., MS Smaller (An item on the Text Size menu, which is opened from the Edit menu. Smaller is one of the text size choices for the user's instant messages)
i u dečjem govoru mali adj.
scottish wee
 Serbian Latin thesaurus
mA abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. miliamper; miliampermetar
MA abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. megaamper
mala slika koja
: 2 phrases in 1 subject
Information technology2