
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. and; off; to; with
law co-
gen. them; us
gen. be
obs. art
gen. catfish
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 davati prednost
gen. prefer
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noun | noun | noun | pronoun | verb | to phrases
sem m
gen. barring; beside; but; out of
law apart from; besides; beyond; with the exception of; outside; save for; save that
s m
gen. and; apparatus; from; with
sova m
ornit. eagle-owl; owl
sa f
gen. and; off; with (I have no money with me nemam novaca kod sebe; leave the child with the nurse ostavi dete kod dadilje)
law co-; from; with
law, lat. cum; per; propter
se f
gen. them; us
si f
gen. be
som f
gen. catfish
si f
obs. art
su f
gen. be
odnos sa f
gen. to
sebe pron.
gen. himself
se pron.
gen. himself; itself
sebe pron.
gen. itself; myself
se pron.
gen. myself; oneself
sebe pron.
gen. them; themselves; us
se pron.
gen. you; yourself
sebe pron.
euph. thyself
law, lat. sui
sebi pron.
gen. itself; myself; oneself; them; themselves; us
euph. thyself
šilo v
tech. piercer; prick; scribe awl
sama, samu sebe pron.
gen. herself
sama, samom sobom pron.
gen. herself
samoj sebi pron.
gen. herself
sobom pron.
gen. itself
šiće v
textile needlework
 Serbian Latin thesaurus
S abbr.
abbr., electr.eng. simens
se daje prednost
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects