
   Serbian Latin English
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comp., MS Documents
gen. document
comp., MS doc
law act; deed; indenture; instrument
law brief
slang bumf
gen. deeds
| kojim
gen. any
| se
gen. and
| neko
comp., MS someone
- only individual words found

to phrases
dokument m
gen. document
comp., MS doc (Any self-contained piece of work created with an application program and, if saved on disk, given a unique filename by which it can be retrieved)
law act; deed; indenture; instrument; evidence; legal paper; official paper; paper; paperwork; writing
dokumenta m
law brief; deeds; documents; documentation; files; instruments; literature; material; writings
slang bumf
dokumenti m
gen. deeds
law muniments
Dokumenti m
comp., MS Documents (The link to the free online workspace for accessing, editing, and sharing Excel, Word, PowerPoint and OneNote documents across your PC, smartphone, and web browser)
dokumenat m
tech. paper
dokument kojim se neko
: 2 phrases in 2 subjects