
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. and
excl. ay; aye
gen. breath
gen. adhibit; administer; afford; bestow; bring; confer
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amer. circus
| o
gen. about
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to phrases
dati v
gen. adhibit; administer; afford; bestow; bring; confer; contribute; endow; furnish; give away; impart; make; open up; pass; pass over; put in pledge (red); plight; present; reach; redound; restore smb. to liberty; tell (vreme na satu); tip; transmit; turn over; yield
coll. pass out
cust. entrust; give; offer; provide; render
fig. pledge
law award; record (svoj glas); add; allow; confide; deliver; dispose of; generate; grant; issue; vast majority; produce; spare; supply
slang bung (Go on, bung her an extra tenner for trying — Hajde, daj joj deseticu (novac) za trud)
da v
gen. and; for; rather!; yes
dial. yea
excl. ay; aye
law if
dah v
gen. breath; loose; puff; waft; whiff; whiffle; wind
dale v
avunc. dad
inf. daddy; papa; pop; poppa
dat v
law given; invested
das v
gen. hour
adverbijalno da v
gen. to
posledično tako da v
gen. that
das v
fig. twinkling
u imperativu da v
gen. suppose
namerno da v
gen. that
da! v
slang, excl. why aye!
dati predstavu o
: 1 phrase in 1 subject