
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. be; become; consist; exist; fare; fight
| instinktivno
gen. instinctive
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to phrases
biti v
gen. be; become; consist; exist; fare; fight; head; homologize; make; pulsate; pulse; subsist; thrash; be or not to be (ili ne biti); to-be
busin. come forward (ili postati raspoloživo)
law attend; be present; endure; have being; last; live; occur; persist; remain; stay; survive; take place
slang suck
jeste v
gen. be; there is; there's
jesi v
gen. be
sam v
law separate
jesi v
obs. art
jesmo v
gen. be
jesu v
gen. be
biće v
law, lat. substantia
biti instinktivno
: 1 phrase in 1 subject