
   Serbian Latin
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besmislice n
law double Dutch; stuff and nonsense
slang gash (Don't talk gash, it's all lies — Ne pričaj gluposti, to su sve laži); load of crap (That film we went to see was a load of crap — Onaj film što smo išli da gledamo je hrpa gluposti); pap; pigshit; tommy-rot (Don't believe a thing he says, he's talking absolute tommy-rot! — Nemoj da mu veruješ ni red, priča apsolutne gluposti); tosh; trousers; tut (I think we need to clear up all this tut before your parents arrive — Mislim da bi trebalo da očistimo ovo đubre pre nego što ti se roditelji vrate" ili "Whatever he told you about me is just a load of tut — Šta god da ti je rekao za mene je gomila gluposti)
besmislica n
gen. bull; balderdash; bilge; fiddle; fiddlededee; flam; flapdoodle; flimflam; folly; fudge; gammon; humbug; ineptitude; nonsense; rigmarole; stuff; stuff and nonsense; trashes; trumpery
amer. malarky; malarkey
amer., coll. poppy-cock
amer., slang hooey
fig. flummery; hogwash; inanity; moonshine; mush; rubbish; truck
inf. piffle; tripe; poppy cock
law absurd; double talk; gibberish; load of rubbish; no meaning; rank nonsense; double-talk
slang bosh; crap; kibosh; Barry White; bilge (water); bobbins; bollix; bollocks; bollox; cock; gobbledygook; hot air; Jackson Pollocks; knob-rot; parp; pony; rot (Don't talk rot! What you've just said is total nonsense — Ne pričaj gluposti! To što si upravo rekao je totalna besmislica); toot
tel. haywire
besmislica! n
excl. fiddlededee; fiddlesticks; fudge; gammon; rubbish
excl., slang bosh
slang rats!
: 10 phrases in 5 subjects