
   Serbian Latin
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to phrases
alkoholna pića
gen. spirituous liquors
cust. spirits
alkoholno piće
gen. cup; strong drink; liqueur; liquor
inf. fire-water
law alcohol; alcoholic beverage; alcoholic drink; booze; intoxicating drink; intoxicating liquor
slang tiddley; brew (uglavnom pivo); poof juice; sauce (He's going to feel bad in the morning, after 12 hours on the sauce — Osećaće se loše ujutru, posle 12 sati pod alkoholom); sherbet (I think we should go down to the bar, get in some sherbets and then hit a nightclub — Mislim da bi trebalo da odemo do nekog bara, uzmemo neki alkohol i odemo do noćnog kluba); sherbert (I think we should go down to the bar, get in some sherbets and then hit a nightclub — Mislim da bi trebalo da odemo do nekog bara, uzmemo neki alkohol i odemo do noćnog kluba); swally
alkoholna pića
: 58 phrases in 7 subjects
American usage, not spelling9
Obsolete / dated1