
   Serbian Latin
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Pozovi v
comp., MS Call (A Lync menu that opens a list of options for the selected person. In Office Communicator, a menu item that opens a list of numbers for the selected person. When the user selects a phone number, Lync or Office Communicator places the call); Invite (" A UI element, in a conversation window, that accesses the "Invite Someone" menu item. The user can then select a contact to add to the current conversation.")
pozvati v
gen. accost; ask; call; invite; require; summon
comp., MS invite (To ask someone to engage in an instant conversation); call (To attempt to establish a voice conversation with another person or other people from a phone, computer, or mobile device)
law cite; convene; appeal; bid; invoke; petition; request; solicit
mil. marshal
pozvan v
gen. qualified
law called; called for; sent for; summoned
Pozvan v
comp., MS Invited (The contact picture label that indicates someone has been invited to do something, but has not responded yet)
pozvani v
tel. invoked
: 73 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1