
   Serbian Latin English
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gen. circumstance; datum; reality
cust. fact
law evidence
philos. positive
gen. case
cust. data
law elements of facts; facts
| koja
gen. that
može | da se
 dati se
gen. follow
| upotrebi
gen. adhibit
| kao dokaz
 kao dokaz
gen. in evidence
- only individual words found

to phrases
činjenica n
gen. circumstance; datum; reality
cust. fact
law evidence; matter of fact; matter; merit; piece of information; point
law, lat. factum; item
činjenice n
gen. case
cust. data
law elements of facts; facts; issues of fact; record
slang lowdown
činjenicama n
philos. positive
činjenica koja
: 24 phrases in 1 subject