
   Portuguese English
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agric. mech.eng. linkage
commun. seizing
hobby transp. lug
IT transp. binding pointer; engagement; locking
mech.eng. coupling
mech.eng. el. pulling into synchronism
transp. activation; synchronization
| de
earth.sc. dee
| boca
nat.sc. agric. mouth
| de
earth.sc. dee
| lobo
law lobby
- only individual words found

noun | verb | to phrases
engate n
agric., mech.eng. linkage
commun. seizing
hobby, transp. lug
IT, transp. binding pointer; engagement; locking
mech.eng. coupling
mech.eng., el. pulling into synchronism
transp. activation; synchronization of a synchronous machine
transp., mil., grnd.forc., mech.eng. hitch
engatar v
transp. couple
engate de boca de
: 7 phrases in 2 subjects
Mechanic engineering3