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SOC abbr.
abbr., cinema Society of Operating Cameramen
Soc abbr.
abbr., busin. Sci social science; Sci social scientist
SOC abbr.
abbr. social overhead capital (вк); sphere of control; sector operations centre; Shell Oil Co.; Standard Oil Co.; start of conversion pulse; Superior Oil Co. (Nevada)
abbr., amer. Secretary of The Commonwealth (в шт. Массачуссетс Баян)
abbr., avia. statement of conformity; system operations control
abbr., busin. Summary of conclusions (Val_Ships)
abbr., comp.name. Shell on Co.; Standard Oil Company
abbr., corp.gov. Service Organization Control (Баян)
abbr., earth.sc. Sapphire Oil Company; Shell Oil Company; Skelly Oil Company; solid organic carbon; soluble organic carbon; Southern Oceans; standard overcast sky; Superior Oil Company; supraoccipital; synthetic organic chemicals; synthetic organic compounds; System Operational Center
abbr., industr. SOUTH OIL COMPANY (Sagoto)
abbr., IT security operation center; system on chip
abbr., math. single output change (ssn)
abbr., O&G, casp. safety override certificate (Yeldar Azanbayev)
abbr., oil scoop ogive compact; seismic-option contract; self-organized criticality; solvent-oil contact; start of cycle; Supreme Oil Council
abbr., space satellite orbit control
abbr., sport. Special Officiating Commission
soc abbr.
abbr. social
soc. abbr.
abbr., libr. social
soc abbr.
el. socket
SOC abbr.
abbr. South Orange County; Statement of Compliance; Science Operations Coordinator
abbr., automat. solid oxide cell (ssn); state-of-charge; standard operating conditions (ssn)
abbr., avia. seats occupied; Safety Oversight Committee; Transport Canada/NAV CANADA Safety Oversight Committee; start of climb; simulation operations computer; special operation capability; stress optical coefficient; system operational concept
abbr., BrE signal operations centre
abbr., Canada supply officer-in-chief
abbr., chem. salting-out chromatography
abbr., clin.trial. Standart of care (Pustelga)
abbr., commer. Solutions Order Contract
abbr., EBRD social overhead costs (raf)
abbr., ecol. soil organic carbon
abbr., econ. statement of capital (Tiny Tony)
abbr., ed. Schools Of Choice
abbr., ed., scient. School Of Computing; Students Of Color
abbr., el. satellite operations. center; security operations computer; self-organizing controller; service operating center; set ordering criterion; silicon-on-ceramic (solar cell); simulation operations center; single orbit computation; small outline C-leaded package; space operational center; sphere-on-orthogonal-cone (diode); start of calling; start of conversion (pulse); system operation console; sell-organizing control
abbr., electr.eng. system operation center
abbr., foreig.aff. Socialist Group
abbr., geol., scient. Self Organized Criticality
abbr., health. System Organ Class (Игорь_2006); sociooccupational category
abbr., IT System On A Chip
abbr., logist. shipper owned container (контейнер, принадлежащий отправителю Yuriy83); Shipper's Own Container
abbr., med. Synovial Osteochondromatosis; Special Outpatient Clinic (Samura88); standard of care (стандарт лечения Dimpassy); state of consciousness (Vosoni); sequential oral contraceptive
abbr., meteorol. Society Of Operating Cameramen
abbr., mil. Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges; Special Operations Command; special operations commander; special operations component; SHAPE Operation Center
abbr., mil., air.def. surface optics company
abbr., mil., astronaut. satellite operations center
abbr., nautic. Shipper Owned Container
abbr., phys., scient. Second Order Cone
abbr., physiol., med. Stream Of Consciousness
abbr., police Scene Of the Crime
abbr., progr. SoC (ssn)
abbr., refrig. serve-over cabinet (MichaelBurov)
abbr., scient. Storm Of The Century
abbr., scottish Satellite Operations Centre; Sparton of Canada Ltd; Struck Off Charge (UK)
abbr., sec.sys. Strategic Operations Center (Val_Ships)
abbr., sec.sys., IT Security Operations Center
abbr., soil. carbone organique du sol
abbr., sport. Standard Obstacle Course
abbr., tech. state of charge (степень зарядки (например, батареи) I. Havkin)
abbr., USA Occupational Classification System (harser)
abbr., water.suppl. Suspended Organic Carbon
ecol., abbr. synthetic organic chemical
energ.ind., abbr. self-operated control; standard operating conditions; statement of considerations
mil. signal officer commanding; statement of capability
mil., abbr. schedule of organizational change; sector operations center; service and overhaul change; serviceman's opportunity college; signal operations company; space operations center; space operations controller; special operations capable; squadron operations center; start of contract; start of conversion; strike operations coordinator; strike options comparison; succession of command; system operation concept; systems operation center
NYSE., st.exch. Sunbeam Corporation
sec.sys., mil. security operations center
tech., abbr. self-organizing control; signal operations center; space object classification; space operation center; statement of consideration
Soc abbr.
abbr. socialist; Sociology; society
SoC abbr.
abbr. system-on-a-chip (ssn)
law Statement of Claim (spanishru)
manag. span of control (Евгений Тамарченко)
progr. System-on-Chip (ssn)
Soc. abbr.
invest. society
lat. Socii (Companions Breviary); Socius ("companion")
SOC. abbr.
abbr., file.ext. Social Issues (USENET Newsgroup Category)
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