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re [riː] abbr.
abbr. reference
abbr., earth.sc. radium emanation
abbr., sport. right end
law In the matter of; in the case of
O&G drainage radius; external boundary radius
re. abbr.
abbr. relating to
abbr., earth.sc. reference
RE [riː] abbr.
abbr. Earth Radii; radiated emission; Ram Effect; Raw End; Re Election; Real And Equal; Real Eastate (недвижимое имущество xenia.b); real estate; Rear Echelon; Rear Engine; Rear Entry; Recommendation Engine (OP, Oracle, DB); Recreational Education; regarding (Vosoni); Regular Education; Regular Expression; Reins Everest Holdings, Inc.; Relative Efficiency; Religious Education; Reproductive Endocrinologist; Reproductive Endocrinology; republication; Research And Education; Research and Engineering; research effort; Resident Evil; Reunion Island (French); reliability engineering; Raman effect; Raman scattering; Rosen Electronics; Rotary Engine; Royal Exchange; Russian English; Russian Exchange
abbr., auto. rear steer-by-wire
abbr., avia. radar environment; radiation emission; radio exposure; reaction engine; reel; release of engineering; required equipment; right elevator; risk exposure; role equipment; runway environment
abbr., BrE Royal Engineers
abbr., busin. refer to; refer to endorser; referring; relating; repayable to either; with reference to; rebate
abbr., earth.sc. radiative equilibrium; rare-earth elements; rare elements; remote error; reserve fund; resistance to emulsion number; restoration ecology; river-bank erosion; runoff energy
abbr., econ. retained earnings
abbr., el. rare earths (element); radiating element; RAM enable; range error probable; rate equation; read enable; receiver enable; receiving end; recovery equipment; reflected electron; relational extender; relay equipment; remote equipment; repeated exposures method; request element; response equalizer; restriction of extension; Ricatti equation; Rice encode; rotary erase
abbr., energ.ind. Renewable Energy (O_Lya)
abbr., foundr. right end (правый конец Technical)
abbr., genet. restriction endonuclease
abbr., IT real (number); reset; resolution enhancement; Reliability Engineer (ing); Requirements Engineering
abbr., law Revised Edition (Atenza)
abbr., med. Right Eye; right eye; right ear; random error; reticuloendothelium; equivalente de retinol; valor de retinol
abbr., met. rare-earth; Rockwell hardness E; Rockwell hardness E-scale
abbr., mil. Rate Effect; Re-entry; Receive Element; Recurring Engineering; Research & Engineering
abbr., mil., air.def. resource element
abbr., mil., WMD resident engineer
abbr., nucl.phys. reactor engineering
abbr., O&G, sakh. Recovery efficiency
abbr., oil rack earth; radio equipment; rare-earths; rate of exchange; Refinery; rig up engine; Roentgen-equivalent
abbr., pharm. retinol equivalent (Южная)
abbr., polit. Reunion
abbr., refrig. refrigerating effect
abbr., scottish Radar Echo; Research Engineers Ltd (UK); Research Establishment
abbr., securit. rational expectation
abbr., space rain erosion; resonance energy; reverse engineering; re-engined
abbr., telecom. reference equivalent
energ.ind. radiological emergency; re-entrainment; reactor experiment; receiving electrode; reference electrode; relative error
IT how are you
meteorol. radial error; recent
mil. radiating elements; radiation effects; radiation exposure; range error; reenlistment; regulars; rifle expert; risk exercise
tech. compression ratio; radiation equipment; radio echo; rare earth; real number; research engineer
Re [riː] abbr.
gen. Pa (бог солнца; воплощался в образе сокола falcon)
abbr. radius of gyration; rejection number; reply; Reynolds criterion; Rhenium; rupee
abbr., earth.sc. residual error
abbr., med. rhenium
abbr., tech. east range
invest. reissue; reissued patent
mining. Reaumur scale
polym. Reynolds number
refrig. Reynold's number
shipb. yield strength (Natalya Rovina)
Re. abbr.
abbr. reset
insur. In re
law reissue; reissued
abbr. Reaumur scale
REPS [riː] abbr.
abbr., BrE Royal Engineers Postal Section
RE: abbr.
abbr., bus.styl. referring:
: 8 phrases in 3 subjects
Oil and gas technology1