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rd abbr.
abbr. radarman; radial; rod; rood; round; running days
abbr., busin. received; reduction
abbr., mil. round RD
agric. reduce
O&G radius of drainage
opt. rad
rd. abbr.
abbr., econ. reduced
abbr., tech. radian
construct. road; rod; round
RD abbr.
abbr. radar; radiation; Rapid Deployment; Rat Dog; Ratings Deviation; Reader's Digest; Readiness Division; Real Date; Real Dirty; Rear Drag; Receive Delay; Received Data (EIA-232-E); Receiving Data; Recently Disgorged; Record Delimiter; Recording Demand; Recreational Device; Recursive Design (CASE); Recursive Doubling; red; run down; regional director; Reference Data; Register Destination; Register Dump; Registered Design; Registered Dietician; Registered Dietitian (food and nutrition experts Mari-ria); relative density (Yakov); Remote Device; Removable Disk; Repair Database; Replacement Detachment; Republican Domination; Requirements Document; Rescued Dog; Resident Director; Residential Director; Respiratory Disease; Rest and Daydreaming; Results Database; Retarded Donkey; Retarded Dumbass; retinal detachment; Rewind Disk; Rising Darkness; Road Dog; Rock Drill; Rolling Demo; Rotate Degrees; Round Dance; Route Descriptor; Routing Domain; Royal Dutch Petroleum Company; Royal Naval Reserve Decoration; Rude Dude; Rural Delivery; Rural Development; rural district; Russian Doll
abbr., agric. reference diet
abbr., agrochem. research-and-development
abbr., auto. rear door; rotary discdisk
abbr., automat. root diameter
abbr., avia. radial and distance; ram drag; repeated deviation; requirement document; reverse deformation; rework drawing; right display; rivet die; row distance
abbr., bank. recurring deposit (Alexander Matytsin)
abbr., biol. ratio-distortion system
abbr., BrE Reserve Decoration; Royal Dragoons
abbr., clin.trial. recommended dose (edrenbaton)
abbr., comp., MS remote desktop (удалённый рабочий стол ssn)
abbr., cycl. rear derailleur
abbr., dat.proc. risk difference (igisheva)
abbr., dialys. registered dietician
abbr., el. received data (july000); random drift; ratio detector; read data bus; recording device; reflectance-difference spectrum; register driver; relation dictionary; release date; replaceable disk; replay driver; reset direct; reset drain; restart definition; revision directive; ring data; ring detector; rundown; request disconnect
abbr., electr.eng. reference design (Artjaazz)
abbr., file.ext. Read Direct; Receive Data; Remove Directory
abbr., genet. rate of depression
abbr., insur. Directional radiobeacon
abbr., lab.eq. Raw Data
abbr., magn.tomogr. radial diffusion (радиальная диффузия VasDoc)
abbr., med. Retinal Degeneration; Retinal Detachment; Reye Disease; Riley-Day (syndrome); Rolland-Desbuquois (syndrome); Raynaud disease; respiration depth; rubber dam; reaction of degeneration
abbr., media. reflection density
abbr., mil. Radar Detection; receive data
abbr., mil., air.def. directional radio beacon station
abbr., mil., WMD Remedial design
abbr., O&G, sahk.r. Ruling Document; ruling document
abbr., O&G, sakh. rotor diameter
abbr., oil random drilling; rigged down; rigging down
abbr., plast. diffuse reflectance
abbr., polym. Research Department; rolling direction
abbr., radio Receiver Desense (снижение чувствительности приемника katrinna-m)
abbr., snd.rec. radial differential signal
abbr., textile regular dull
energ.ind. radioactive deposit; radioactive drains; relative displacement; respirable dust; rod drive
invest. refer to drawer
mil. radar data; radar display; radiation damage; radiation detection; radiological defense; radius of damage; range development; readiness data; readiness date; redevelopment day; reference document; regimental depot; reinforcement depot; reinforcement designee; reliable data; replacement depot; required data; required date; requirements determination; requirements documents; research and development; reserve depot; restricted data; restricted document; retention and disposal; rifle depot
O&G regulation document
tech. direct reduction; radioactive drain; random driver; read; receipt day; recorders-reproducers; reentry decoy; reference designator; reply delay; rigging-down; ringdown; rod, perch, pole; Rutherford; two-range Decca
Rd abbr.
abbr. reader; radium; road
abbr., commer. road
abbr., earth.sc. radiolaria; radius
abbr., el. drain resistance
abbr., mech.eng. round head
abbr., med. kurchatovium
abbr., mil., avia. Rockwell hardness, D
abbr., mining. reed
O&G Bds red beds
polym. Rockwell hardness D
Rd. abbr.
abbr., econ. railroad; received; recorded
law registered
RD R/D abbr.
abbr. rig down
abbr., O&G, sakh. rig down
RDC abbr.
abbr., lab.eq. Human rhabdomyosarcoma cells
RD abbr.
abbr. right defense; direction radio beacon; directional radio beacon; Royal Decree (Nrml Kss)
abbr., archit. rain drain (ArxARV)
abbr., avia. release databases; route discontinuity; requirements development
abbr., busin. record; registered
abbr., clin.trial. Reduced dose (iwona)
abbr., comp., net. router discovery; request disconnect
abbr., construct. Relief Device (ixtra); roof drain
abbr., dril. double ram preventer; radial drilling (igisheva)
abbr., earth.sc. dolomite of replacement origin; radiating; rate of denitrification; rate of descent; redrilled holes; regional development; relative difference values; rhyodacite; rooting depth
abbr., electric. recording demand (meter)
abbr., med. reaction of denervation
abbr., met. Rockwell hardness D-scale
abbr., nucl.phys. radiation dosimetry
abbr., oil rate of deposit; recorder depth; redrilled; regressive deposits; resistivity of laterolog deep; rigged rigging down; rotating diverter; rupture disk
abbr., phys. rotatory dispersion
abbr., pulm. respiratory depression (igisheva); respiratory disease (igisheva); respiratory distress (igisheva)
abbr., space random discontinuous fiber; rapid degradation; reflection densitometer
abbr., sport. right defence
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