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Capability Maturity Model
abbr., mil., WMD CMM
IT Contains the essential elements of effective processes for one or more disciplines. It also describes an evolutionary improvement path from ad hoc, immature processes to disciplined, mature processes with improved quality and effectiveness. 2. CMM for software, from the Software Engineering Institute SEI, is a model used by many enterprises to identify best practices useful in helping them assess and increase the maturity of their software development processes (CMM ranks software development enterprises according to a hierarchy of five process maturity levels. Each level ranks the development environment according to its capability of producing quality software. A set of standards is associated with each of the five levels. The standards for level one describe the most immature or chaotic processes and the standards for level five describe the most mature or quality processes. A maturity model that indicates the degree of reliability or dependency the business can place on a process achieving the desired goals or objectives A collection of instructions that an enterprise can follow to gain better control over its software development process)
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